UMD power outage affects heart of campus

Lights are off outside of a classroom in the Edward St. John Learning & Teaching Center. ZFJ/Alvin Wu
COLLEGE PARK, Md., Nov. 25 (ZFJ) — A power outage is affecting University of Maryland, College Park, buildings around McKeldin Mall.
A University of Maryland Police Department advisory sent out at 11:27 a.m. reports that Facilities Management is responding to a multiple building power outage.
Classes in the following buildings were initially cancelled until at least 2:00 p.m. A later campuswide email sent at 2:37 p.m. announced that classes would not meet in the affected buildings for the rest of the day. The email update noted that faculty could either offer an asynchronous learning option or cancel class.
- Patuxent Building
- Jimenez Hall
- McKeldin Library
- Dorchester Hall
- St. Mary’s Hall
- Symons Hall
- Turner Hall
- Rossborough Inn
- Health Center
- Tawes Hall
- Benjamin Building
- Cole Student Activities Center
- Stamp Student Union
- Knight Hall
- Union Lane Parking Garage
- Shipley Field
- Edward St. John Learning & Teaching Center
- Physical Sciences Complex
- Atlantic Building
All other classes are proceeding as scheduled.
Stamp Student Union, McKeldin Library, and the Health Center will remain closed for the rest of the day.
Facilities Management anticipates restoring power this evening. As such, affected academic buildings will reopen tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 8:00 a.m.
Further updates and information on additional impacts will be emailed by the university.
A notice on the Edward St. John Learning & Teaching Center doors announces that classes are cancelled. ZFJ/Alvin Wu
A notice on the doors of McKeldin Library announces that the building is closed due to the power outage. ZFJ/Alvin Wu
The Stamp Student Union’s food court is empty because all food services and elevators are out of order due to the power outage. ZFJ/Alvin Wu
Update 2024-11-25, 15:07 - Added information from campuswide email sent at 2:37 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 25.
- University of Maryland Police Department - UMD Advisory: Multiple-Building Power Outage - (ARCHIVE)
- UMD Right Now - Power Outages - Nov. 25, 2024 - (ARCHIVE)